Minesweeper: Unlimited!
Hexagonal Minesweeper without Limits
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2011-12-30 19:11
Minesweeper: Unlimited! -- Update v1.1
YES, we've ready and just uploaded the first update for Minesweeper: Unlimited!

This Update contains some sound effects and also makes use of the built-in vibration-capabilities. So you get better feedback from your inputs.

Also, we introduced our all new Thumb Switcher! Another great feature you can have in Minesweeper: Unlimited!

The Thumbswitcher can be enabled in the new Settings-Screen. You get there by simple clicking on the Game-Title in the Main Menu - you will find another text in this release which will also guide you there.

Beside the ability to turn sound and vibrations on or off you can also activate the Thumb-Switcher and on which side of the screen it should be.

Once activated, you will find a little black zone in the left or right bottom of the screen. Everytime you hold down your thumb there the current mode switches as long as you hold your thumb down.

So, If you don't like fast-Reveal-Mode and just like to stay in Dig-Mode - you can now do so and if you have investigated a mine, just tap your thumb down on the Thumb-switcher, place a flag and release your thumb.

Hopefully now every player can play his own style in Minesweeper: Unlimited!

Have Fun!
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