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2012-06-12 22:02
Annoying Things Of The Modern Time
So, here we are today. Well equipped with powerful Gadgets giving us the ability to improve our daily work, speeding up ourselfs and making us feel more comfortable.

But nowadays - with all those electronical helpers - there is one thing, which annoy us every day, multiple times a day..

Batteries and their chargers.

Batteries are a cool thing, powering our devices, buffering our cars and making so much things possible. But while our devices are coming more powerful, they also consume more energy and somehow I feel catapulted back in the late 70s where batteries became popular and was able to power a small lightbulb for some hours and weight nearyl as much as a small car.

Sure - technology has brought us new battery technology, so we can power various strong devices today with ease.

But what is it with charging? Am I the only one who have all plugs in the wall filled with chargers? And every charger has another cable and different connecters? And I regulary have to re-charge my devices once a day?

And all of them are bringing their own power supply - cheap ones, made in china, on which you can make ham and eggs because they are so inefficient.

Why has noone thought about about that? Nearly every device we use today needs a supply of 12V. Why wasting energy by heating up all those small crappy power supplies instead of buying one 12V Platin Supply and use that instead?

Many geeks use them in their computer already, why is it not possible to plug my router also up to this supply? Or my NAS Drive or my external disk and so much more things.

Sure, there will be a time when the supply cannot deliver enough power, but util that it will deliver it and will do that in a very efficient way.

Why has noone invented such an standard? It would be that usefull!

Think further and think about producing energy with solar power or even a wind turbine.
Your current choices are, charging a 12V Battery or transformating it up to 230V connect to your house and .. well .. connect a crapy charger which does transform it back to 12V again producing heat and wasting energy.

When I think of the different standards like Bluetooth or USB and how many things was built just because of this standards I really wish, people would invent a 12V standard.

Instead in europe they are forbidding old glow-bulbs and tell you, that you have to buy energy-lamps. No matter if they need more energy to get produced and therefore have a negative bilance in concerns of economics.

I would prefer a 12V Standard. Would be one of the best inventions nowadays. Hopefully someone comes up with that type of invention - it would be really helpful and would save loads of energy ..

..and who knows, meaybe all those crappy power supplies does heat up our climate .. (co2 does not)
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