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2012-07-30 00:47
Funny Things: RIAA
The RIAA is a funny institution.. Sure, there is respect for cultural property and it is an important topic - but their arguments are just poor.

They are whining all the time about how much people are copying music illegaly. Fact is, that was always the case and that will be always the case - noone can stop that.

RIAA should definitely care for other things, like adapting the price for media to the market demand - they never did that, they think that a piece of mucis will be of the same value like always - which is just not true.

It would be the same, when I develep a game like Worm Puncher and want people to pay 60 $ for it, because 20 years a go, a game has cost that amount.

Today there is much more competition, much more free games - times have changed and RIAA should definitely think about that.

The problem is not that nowadays there are more possibilities to "share" media - RIAA does say themselfs, that file sharing is only 4% of piracy. Most of sahred media is because people just copy their music and give it to friends.

So what - that was possible since the beginning and it was never possible to stop it, everyone does it.

RIAA does make the absolutely false conclusion, that the guy who get a copy from his friend would have bought the original if it were not possible to copy it. WRONG! FAIL!

It is either of enough value to buy it or it is simply not and if - however - there were no possibility to get a copy from his friend, he would not have bought it at all. Not having a song is nothing what will kill people.

Somehow it is the same with games. I complained myself about pirated copies, whereas I do not have a problem with the people who are loading that copies but with people which are making money with my work - different story.

I am pretty sure, that ppl who loaded my game illegaly will not have bought it at all or will buy it later if they like it.

So lovely RIAA .. I am an artist by myself, and I DO NOT LIKE YOU or YOUR ACTIONS (because of many reasons).

You should go for a solution which fits the market situation even, when that would mean, that you and your artists will get less money - but hey, that's the business, get over it.
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