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2011-12-22 11:25
So, what's up ..
You barely noticed, that I was in a little hurry to throw out new games the last weeks for the android device.

That is because I really like to code for it - even if it's java and for normal I do not prefer java over all - for android, it's crucial.

At the start it was quite annoying, that it was not possible to use the google emulator for testing games, because it is slow - veeery slow .. I foud it absolutly useless for tablet emulations because nothing seems to finish in this century.
libgdx offers a brilliant way to compensate that - it builds a normal java application too which can be run on the desktop - that's briliant!

So it was quite fun to make some games and benefit from the touchscreen and all this new shiny stuff which i found very exciting in terms of games.

Currently I have made up a new game of minesweeper, yea, sounds boring, but it isn't! It is on a HexGrid and looks very good, is zoomable and technically able to have enormous playfields.

The Game itself is ready, but i have to implement the menu, scores, savegames - and so on, so i still need some days to get it ready.

After that I have tons of other ideas - the main problem is (like ever): time!

Many ideas need quite amount of them to make good graphics, or level design. that's why i released only generic games at the moment. I don't like to design levels, i find that very boring.

So after "Minesweeper unlimited" (working title) i really want to try some more strategy games .. let's see what happens and how much time is left the next year :-)

thx for reading ;-)
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