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2013-01-17 18:36
Android Report Lookback 2012 - Part 2
In Part 2 of this Lookback Report I wanna give some insights in what to expect from an ad supported game.

First of all I am not unsatisfied and I was really surprised about the monthly outcome of Robo Miner.

But to be honest, looking at the other games, I've made you have a hard time to make a living of it.

Sure, I am doing that beside my main work, So I do not rely on the income of my games (which is good) but on the other hand, I am not able to invest that much time into developing games.

I invested a good amount of time in my already published apps and if I would calculate it all together it was not the best income for the invested time.
But if someone just throwing out on game after another, it should be possible to get a good licing of it.
Normally, what I know, people start out with making their own business. It's very rare, that with developing only free games someone was able to survive a longer period. There is just too much competition - which is good - but a dev would need to invest many ressources into a game to make it glance in the market.
Big Studios are surely able to invest into develping and (more important) into marketing. A 1-Person Indy Dev will have a hard time with that.

But I am not a lazy guy, to be honest, normally I work all the time in front of my computer, because I just like it.
I completely redesigned the prototype of a PC Game I made in summer 2011 and hopefully will be able to accomplish a good progress for it in 2013. Just need a bit of time for it and it should be possible :-)
(Yey, Rocks in Space with fresh optics and such things, I even love the prototype which is top secret at the moment)

Whatever. In Terms of earnings - and you know, I will not talk about numbers here - there was a very high peek in Feb/Mar 2012 which ended soon. But there is still income from it. Nothing to be euphoric but enough to have some spare money for investing into different projects - hopefully into an graphician because so much people want better graphics, which I just cannot deliver alone (lack of time) :-)

What's more to tell .. I don't know .. are interested in something more? Leave me a comment and I will proceed with another part of my Android Report 2012 Look-Back!
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2 RESPONSES TO "Android Report Lookback 2012 - Part 2":
2013-02-21 07:07
i think if you want to revive robo miner for fans you could extend the gameplay a bit. you could as example add bigger explosions hard to destroy stones and other things that would make the game more complex while still having the original as a gamemode.

i am sure you can attract some player to play it again.
2013-01-20 03:06
Hi. Would be interesting if you can share more information about game development like what 2D games framework/library you use, different type of advertising company you have tried, and which website you will try to hire graphic designer to do the game graphics job or cost to hire.

As a solo developer/programmer, I know it is hard to create a decent game graphics unless we can invest some money on it :)
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