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2013-02-04 17:02
Being Free App of the Day at Amazon
Recently my game "Minesweeper: Unlimited!" was featured as Free App of the Day at the Amazon Store and I want to tell you my experiences with it.

First of all, I did not take any action. Amazon wrote me an email because they've found my game quite good and asked if I would be interested in participating at the Free App of the Day program.

That program means, that amazon offers your game for free over one whole day.

I was quite interested in that, so I wrote back and git in contact with a person, who told me, that they will look over the app and tell me if they need any changes to it, before it can proceed to the FAotD program.

There were no big issues, except one typographic error, which was fixed immediatly and after a while I got informed, that my game will be the FAotD at 2nd Feb 2013.

I also was "warnend" that there will be a huge impact on my highscore servers on this day, but that should be no problem, because I use a very simplistic highscore system there.

When the app goes into the FAotD program I was watching it most of the time, just to be sure, that nothing wents wrong. Everything was fine.

On that day, Minesweeper: Unlimited! was downloaded almost 100.000 times and that also had impact on the downloads of my other games!

The game will still be there on the "Recent Free Apps" Page at amazon, so I expect more downloads even when FAotD has ended.

I was watching user reviews and that gave me quite a lot of feedback how I can improve my game. The most obvious reason for bad comments was the lack of a ingame tutorial describing some game features. That was a bad one, I really had been thinking of that. But I cannot change now :-)

After all, I am very pleased about the overall handling and staff interaction with amazon - it was a good experience for me how things work when getting MUCH attention and also, what users does expect from a game and for what they complain about most.

I hope you got a bit of an insight in the Free App of the Day program and maybe your game got selected too! In every case I would suggest you to participate if you get asked for it. Even when you get no money for all that downloads it is a quite good chance to get your other apps found and get some attention :-)
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