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2013-03-01 16:20
New Mobile OS are on the way
There are currently several institutions around which try to develop a new OS for mobile devices.

Mozilla is there, Canonical is there and Samsung also seems to work a bit in that direction.

I don't see any reason for that. Sure, each big system currently available has its own flaws but I don't see that those other systems will be any better.

Look at Mozilla. They've made Firefox for example. Which is a pratical browser with a great fanbase - but actually it is quite buggy for years. I don't think they are able to develop an OS which is usable and stable.

Than there is Samsung now. Samsung is a big player in mobile devices, actually that's because they made high quality devices with android at the right time. What do they expect? They never were that sucessful with their own systems.

What will happen is that: Each of them will make their OS, they will deploy it, they will fail and they will stop developing it resulting an a bunch of devices which are not longer maintained.

I mean, look at Blackberry. They already had their own system but were not able to attach on their prior success. I don't think that Samsung will have any chance to place their system.

At least MS will become ready with their next generation of Win 8 (call it win 9) and they aim for a unique base for multiple devices - no other system is able to do that. Lenovo may think about buying Blackberry but at least, they have different other system to connect with.

The only thing left is consumer market. That one who are currently buying cheap china tablets with android. A bit of a niche but far away of good device quality (another reason, why android had some starting problems).

With android it is hard to tell, what they want to make better, it's nothing new, and Samsung may just lack ideas what to do to bring something "new".

Look at the S4 .. better hardware .. well, it's nice, but it's not needed, so why buy an S4 which will be high priced? Such wealthy customers normally use apple.

The Note may be an option, but there are also different manufacturers who are already aiming at that market.

We maybe do not know the hidden reasons, why Samsung tries to make their own system (if they will do at all) but at the moment, there is just no need for it.

In my opinion MS will be the buzzer of the next years, they have just nearly unlimited possiblities because they are present on web, tablet, desktop, phone and console.

Android will also stay present and also apple (being an fashion product) will not die that fast. They all have a userbase, no idea where samsung thinks to find any empty room to place their OS .. whatever, let's see :-)
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1 RESPONSES TO "New Mobile OS are on the way":
2013-03-01 16:22
you missed Ubuntu Phone :-)

answered by

You're right, thanks - but actually, it will stay a phone for geeks, I don't see any big chance for it. For geeks maybe and they will install it anyway if they like it - manufacturers will not ship that, I fear. There is no benefit for them
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