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2013-03-07 15:02
SimCity 5 (p)review - Do not get it now
There it is - the long awaited sequel of Sim City!

This is some sort of Sim City (p)review - if you are currently one of those who are able to play, because (like everyone knew from the beginning) you cannot play, because their servers are full :-)

What a fun - so you pay a shitload of money for a game which has no offline mode and the developers where after some beta tests still not able to care for enough server power.

Fail. Failing is a good synonym for Electronic Arts. Many people did expect that to happen, as soon as it was announced, that Sim City 5 will be online only. Which is FATAL!
What about bad internet connections all over the world connection loses and all those evil things. They are still there and now they trashed another big game of the past. Sim City was murdered by EA.

Not enough of that, still if you are able to log in and allowed to play your (expensive!) game you will not be able to built any mega city because the maps are just tiny. You can build small towns only. Maybe they should have named it Sim Town .. not Sim City, because actually you don't built cities .. fail

So, everyone out there who thinks about purchasing it: Don't do it, it's just to early .. wait for the next 5 patches, and wait what others are saying before spending a lot of money into a game which will just frustrate you. Acutally it will currently frustrate you without even playing it because they messed everything up with their server capacity.

That said they could have spared every beta tet at all, because there was no use of it (except marketing, yeah).

Maybe there will be the one or other DLC which enables larger maps, but you should wait for that and even more, wait for a discount, it is currently absolutely NOT worth the high price tag. All you currently get is a (indeed) nice looking game which lacks of deoth of game.

If you expect a true sequel to sim city 4 .. don't count on that there is too much missing. You cannot transform terrain, there are many features measing. Sim City 4 is still the better choice and you will get it for just a few bucks. There are also free mods available which will get you enourmous amounts of possibilities for free.

So .. if you ask me what's about the new Sim City? It looks nice, yes and it has rounded streets. But to be honest, I do not want rounded streets, rounded streets is a waste of space and in Sim City 5 there is not enough space, so you will be forced to use rectangular street layout nevertheless.

Waste of Time and Money - at least at the moment

And before I do forget, to show you the total fail of Sim City 5: Cars do not use the fastest way but the shortest way(!) no other City Simulation Game now and in the near past was using such a simple Algo to simulate traffic. Even Cities XL is more intelligent in terms of traffic simulation.

Sim City is dead at the moment. There is no sim at all, the only sim you get is simultion a good look, that's all
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