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2012-02-29 22:34
Android Market Alternatives (for free apps)
Robo Miner is available for 1 Month now and that's the right time to look back and make a report about all the stores out there, how they perform, for what they are best and waht I have learned from this month (and some months before with my other apps) is one of the stores which are really useful to get your app out in the world for the first time. That is because they still have a just-in section and everytime you publish an app you get nearly instant downloads. Quite useful if you are new to android development and don't have any userbase to rely on.

If your app gets more popular in the other stores slideme don't seem to be a must-have.

Robo Miner started out very well - much better than it did in the official market. But after some time this stopped and there are hardly any downloads from slideme at the moment. do not need many different graphics and it is surely a easy to use and easy to start with store.

For paid apps you have to assign some sort of tickets at and if it sells well, you need to increase that tickets everytime .. little bit annoying but I think it is just not supposed for big-selling apps :-)

slideme DOES need to approve you new app - but that was working quite fast and after that you can update your apk as often as you like without the need of any further approval.

For me it looks like, that you will never get ratings, comments or anything else on slideme.

slideme does not count distinct downloads, but counts every download no matter if it is a update or a new app.
So the numbers are climbing very fast after an update.
The bad thing is you never really know how much downloads your app really has ..

I started to use getjar quite late in that specific month, so I cannot tell how it will perform over a longer time.
I started to hate getjar when publishing my apps. Because getjar wasn't made for mobile games in the first place there are some difficult to understand workflows to do.

You have to recreate EVERY SINGLE of your marketing graphics. And if one of them is to big or the filesize is to big, you have to re-enter every single picture again. I almost started to throw out my screen out of the window because of this.

In getjar you are working with "builds" - no that are not versions of you app, that are packages linked to a specific target (like devices).

You can upload the apk as file AND link it with a official market apk. You can do both or you should.

Their documentation seems sometimes out-of-date so you have to do a little bit of guessing.

But well, after setting everything up, you are fine. It doesn't have the initial "boost" like at slideme but there are steady downloads - but for me nothing to be very excited about.

I need to watch it some more time before I can get a good conclusion about getjar and how it really performs but keeping in mind which headaches I had while publishing .. naaah

I haven't got any comments, ratings or other things at getjar so far.

Amazon App Store

Well, I've written an article about it already so things will keep short this time.

I am still not sure, what I shall think of amazon. Even Robo Miner does only get 20-30 downloads a day, which - compared to the official market - is really not very much.

The other thing is the steadily approval process. It has speeded up somehow, but I only publish every 2nd update or so up to amazon, and also never the newest, because I cannot guaranty a fast fix if any error occurs.

I can count the comments and rating on one hand for all my apps.

Amazon on the other Hand keeps a steadily download of my paid apps like Tablet Tower Defense and Minesweeper. Around 1 every 2 days .. yeah, big numbers ;-) But nevertheless this is more than from the official market!

Because Minesweeper: Unlimited! is also available for free at amazon (while Tablet Tower Defense is not) this is surprising.


Only want to mention that very short, I tried appia with my first apps .. what should I say - becide the fact that is such time consuming to put your apps to them .. there was nearly NO result .. some day I got a sell but nothing else, not even the free ones has any download.

So, you can spare them I think.


AndroidPit has its origin in germany (I think) and has the big benefit of accepting paypal to buy apps (which the market lacks). So many customers without credit card are merely using AndroidPIT.

It is very, very easy and fast to import your apps from the official market to AndroidPIT. Just a few clicks. If you want to sell your apps you have to think about the german "Mehrwertsteuer" (Tax, VAT) because currently it seems that there is now way to not use it .. (even if you don't need to by law)

AndroidPIT has a very good userbase and they are making reviews as well. Well, Robo Miner wasn't reviewed yet :-)

Comments and ratings seem to be on the same level as at amazon .. but only Robo Miner got ratings there, while on amazon nearly every app get a minimum of 1 rating so far.

Official Android Market

My first apps were (and are) going not very good at Android Market. Robo Miner is a big exception. It is downloaded nearly 100k times, has far over 300 ratings and was (and is) even in the trending lists and top apps mentioned.

In the official market you will currently have a hard live to make your app popular or even recognized. You have to do that yourself I fear.

And there is a huge lack of being able to react to comments. Many users put their complains in the comment where you cannot contact them for further info or giving them a hint.

BUT: It delivers you with good stats, with automatic failure reports of your app and much more.

Samsung App Store

Sadly .. I am still in the approval Process at Samsung :-) My first attempt was rejected - but oh my god, they seem to work very professional. After Rejection I got screenshots and even a video what exactly was wrong with my app.
I appreciate that really much, everything there looks professional. I am looking forward to Samsung Store and will report if there is something to report :-p

Ok guys, that was a big bunch of letters, hopefully it was helpful for some of you! Have to go now, fixing some bugs ;-)
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3 RESPONSES TO "Android Market Alternatives (for free apps)":
2012-04-18 23:51
Wow, great information about the stores, thanks a lot for sharing!! :)

answered by

I am glad to help ;-)
2012-03-24 18:01

I completely agree about what you said to Getjar:

"You have to recreate EVERY SINGLE of your marketing graphics. And if one of them is to big or the filesize is to big, you have to re-enter every single picture again. I almost started to throw out my screen out of the window because of this."

Lol I went through the same pain. ;)

answered by

Once everything is setted up, it is very straightforward. And also I think(!) they save the graphics anyway, but there is no feedback about it..
2012-03-01 02:58
Thank you very much for the info on the markets. It is very helpful.
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