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2012-07-03 15:12
Comment reaction to michael
It is time for another comment reaction!

Unfortunately - as some of you know - it is not possible to eact on comments (google play) directly.

I heard, google will enable this feature in the future, which will make me very happy ;-)

I just got another comment at google play:

":-( No ore =no money = no upgrades= no desire to play my favourite game. Really disappointed hope its changed minus 2 more stars because there has been no recognition of this comment"

from michael

Dear Michael!

There was a bug in v1.4.7 which has caused all ore to disapear in your savegame - that is annoying but it was fixed right some hours later with v1.4.8.

As I can see, you have the latest version, so this bug was fixed. Unfortunately the bug has saved your mine without ore. All you have to do is restart the mine. I appologize for that, but I cannot change it.

I have just retested the behaviour and everything works fine - but you need to restart your current mine.

Your comment WAS recognized as soon as you have posted it - unfortunately google does not give us developers the option to react or answer on any comment (blame them :-) )

You can send a mail (which you find on google play page), write a comment on this website or in the forum or also can post your issue on the facebook page of Robo Miner or the Facebook Fan Group of Robo Miner.

That's the only way to get feedback about any issue you have.

I am not sure if you will ever find this post which will be a reaction on your issue but hopefully you will.

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