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2012-07-28 22:22
Diamond missing?
Hm .. I read 2 or 3 times that a player has no diamond in his mine.

Unfortunately, they did not contact me directly, so I was not able to check if it is true, so I tried every possiblity to get the diamond disappear. I was not able to make the diamond dissapear.

You cannot blow it up, it will just stay where it is. It cannot get destroyed in any way I tried ..

So well, to make a fix for that problem I will check the existence of the diamond when loading the game - if no diamond is found (for whatever reason) and the robo does not carry the diamond also (there is no indicator for it) the game will replace a diamond on a random position.

That is more a workaround than a fix, but it will help players when the diamond does dissapear. If you experience this behaviour, please send me a message, so I can investigate the reason for that - I am not able to fix errors, when people does not tell me directly :-)

Also in the next version the diamond will fall down. Currently the Diamond is not falling down, but stays where it is - looks ugly, so now it does fall down and hopefully that does not lead to any weird situations xD
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1 RESPONSES TO "Diamond missing?":
2012-08-27 23:14
Hei there,

you have a pretty nice game! I installed Android on my EeePc, and found out ( Android was pretty new for me until then) that there a differences in the systems...! So I use Android x86, and every app which was compiled for ARM can't be run on the other archtecture
I don't know whether it's complicated to compile it for x86. I won't be sad if you can't do it. But thanks in advance :)

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If I got you right, you want to play on Windows (or thelike) - which is not possible at the moment. Maybe in the future there will be a Desktop Version too - stay tuned about it ;-)
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