Robo Miner
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Update v1.3.4 >>
2012-02-08 00:33
Update v1.3.5
Yet another update was published for famous Robo Miner - we are scratching now the 5k donwload mark at android market alone (we are over 5k with all stores I think, but most of the stores do not count unique installs but count update downloads also .. )

This update introduces a loading screen and fixes some issues with destroyed save files. There was an error where the app gets closed to fast, so the game wasn't able to finish writing the save-files. Bad thing.

I've heard from some users, that they already reached level 13 mines! they have a depth of over 600 fields - quite impressing :-)

I also got a new automatic error report today - for the first time that's one I cannot directly reproduce - it seems that there is a problem with non-responsive behaviour somewhere dring loading a game .. strange, because everything's multithreaded now and as far as I know there is nothing what can block the UI thread .. hmm .. let's see if there comes more of this kind of error.

Hope you still enjoy the game!
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