Robo Miner
Let your robot dig the ultimate mine
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2012-03-08 21:59
Update v1.4.2
This update is released before the weekend because there are some changes in it, which I found worth to deploy fast.

One reason for that is because the bigger fontsize made in the last update has made the tutorial hard to read. Amazon complained about that and rejected the update - so I changed the bubbles alltogether, they are now bigger and can grow to the full screen.
Also, when Robo is waiting for user input all the controls disappear to get your attention :-)

Another update is something some users complained about. When Robo runs out of Energy, Ladders or Pillars he was talking about it all the time ;-)
That's now changed! The Robo will tell you, when he used the last ladder or pillar and also before he runs out of energy. The Bubble will then disappear again.

There was a glitch found by an user! If you died down a mine and restarted the whole mine your inventory was not lost - yea, we fixed that, sorry :-)

Also the controls .. there are many thoughts abut the controls.. There is really a little bit of miss-taps when running up the ladder an suddenly falling down sideways.

I have slightly impreoved that recognition .. so it is more likeley that the robo will move up down than left/right .. everyone schould get it right after some minutes of play, it helps very much to not fall down sideways. The drawback is, you have to tap more far away the robo to go left/right. Personally I tap very near :-)

That's it for this update hopefully everything is alright on your phone too!


Upcoming in the next version: Robo Miner also in German!
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4 RESPONSES TO "Update v1.4.2":
2012-03-13 21:41
Ok, gibt doch 75 für die roten Steine, meinte dass es vorher 100 gab, kann mich auch verguckt haben.

Spiele Robo Miner auf meinem HTC Desire Z, 750 Meter sind kein problem. Bin gespannt wie weit es noch geht :)
2012-03-13 13:33
Sehr geiles Game. Suchtfaktor ist hoch!

Allerdings missfällt mir eins: Saphir ist nur noch 85$ Wert, vorher sind diese roten Steine 100$ Wert. Saphir kommt glaub ich bei 650m.

Zum Diamant: Schade dass dieser, bisher, immer in den letzten 10 Feldern steckt. Dieser müsste zufälliger Spannen (z. B. in den letzten 100 Feldern).

So muss ich nur gerade nach unten und dann ein Stück nach links/rechts, fertig.

Auf jeden Fall großen Respekt für ein sehr schönes Game.

Auch die Platzierung der Werbung ist super gewählt, stört nicht Ansatzweise.

Cool wären weitere Updates, z. B. Aussehen des Robots.

2012-03-11 16:44
how can i set a pillar??? I couldnt figure out it. Samsung Galaxy Y.

answered by

There are 2 Buttons on the lower left corner of the screen. Inventory and Pillar - press it to set a pillar. You can only set pillars on solid ground or other pillers.
2012-03-10 17:17
Awesome game dude! But I totally annoyed by the control. I sometimes dig where I don't want to dig. Could you please bring in a "double tap for diggin" option? that would be great! :)

answered by

Try to tap more far away from robot, that will help. I'll think about double tapping ;-)
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