Robo Miner
Let your robot dig the ultimate mine
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2012-04-13 23:16
Update v.1.4.5
After the new features in the last update this update is also a little bit of refinement of these recent updates.

First of all, players told me, that they don't like the diamond scanner, because it is so expensive and does only work 1 time for a short period of time.

So the Scanner is now cheaper than before. You can still use it only 1 time per item but it will show the direction a little bit longer. Feel free to purchase more of them your robot can carry as much of them as you like, but remember: Be careful, if the robot dies, your inventory is lost!

I heard of many player being in very deep mines. Some of them had also reached their phone limit. That means, Robo Miner will get deeper with every level, but sooner or later your phone will not have enough memory to hold that really big worlds.

On Player experienced such a behavier at level 36 (yes, that is really deep, my congratulations for that). I am not sure if anyone else reached this limit before, but only one was telling me about it, so congratulations for reaching the limit! ;-)

Oh wait, there is another change! There are now CRYSTALS! You will find them in the deeper mines right after you find diamonds you will no find now 7 all new crystals down in the mine - I wont tell you what they are, just find it out by yourself, I don't want to destroy the surprise..

Some minor changes in this release are that the parachute can now triggered more earlier - it was hard to trigger it, so now it will let you trigger it after you've fallen 1 field or more. Hopefully that will save your robot from getting smashed by gravity :-)

I am not sure if anyone will recognize it (or has recognized in the past) but the rock pieces which fly around after destroying a field were always mud .. that's lame, so know this little pieces are more correct :-)

Also the diamond is now even better hidden. It is now in the lower 20% of each mine .. on deep mines you'll have to search very well...

I found some bad ratings in the last time. Some of them are not very informativ but some of them are. There are currently some problems where I do not have a solution yet:

PLEASE if this is your first update, remove your sd card. Some android versions WILL delete your savegames when updating to the new version!! I cannot do anything about it. If this happened to you in the past already: It will happen again! It is not the fault of the game, it is a bug in your android version. sorry..

There are some devices out there which are still not able to render levels greater than level 6. I do not know that devices, but some older devices will stop working in level 6 - you will only see the blue sky and nothing more.
If this happens to you: I am sorry, your phone is not able to render the big world.

edit: Sorry, I've forgotten: I was able to extend the playable levels on such phones - even the older phones are now able to play up to level 12 (hopefully)

I got some mails about an ad-free version of Robo Miner. That's why I started to work on this and maybe will come up with an ad-free version in the very soon future.

I am currently working on more blocks! Yea, there are some ideas and I also got a couple of mails with very good suggestions, so stay tuned ;-)

If you have any problem with the game, let me try to help you. If you do not send me a mail or write here into the forum, I cannot help you or fix any bugs (I need to get knowledge of them)
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6 RESPONSES TO "Update v.1.4.5":
2012-05-01 01:02
I love the game, totally addicted. I was wondering if there would ever be any sort of a multiplayer on it?

answered by

Indeed, I had also thinked on that nearly since the beginning of development - problem is, it is very sophisticated and I am not quite sure if it will work that way I thought. Let's see what time brings :-)
2012-04-27 17:16
I love you game and i have one Idea. I'll really like something like a "rock breaker", or something like it. Should be cheap and easy to get from questions marks. That will give you ability to drill rock. It will be easier than using Dynamite. I hope You can do that thing. If i ill have some ideas in future I post it there.

answered by

In the next update there will be much more rock in the deeper mines, so yes, I am thinking about making rock drillable maybe lvl 50 drill or something like that
2012-04-25 19:56
I think the big gem needs to be in a totally random place in the mine. Not Just in the bottom 20%.
That way you may have to clear the whole mine to find it, nit just tunnel to the bottom and go left and right.

answered by

There is the scanner anyway - and it would not be a great benefit, if the diamond would appear at the top of the mine - there should be some work involved. Next update will make the deeps much harder, so stay tuned!
2012-04-25 10:23
Hey I like your game. But theres only one thing, I have no idea hiw to put support things. I think im on level 2 but its really pissing me off that I cant do anything to stop the rock ls falling. Do you unlock them at a higher level? (So far I only found coal)


answered by

In the left bottom of the screen you have 2 Buttons. 1 for Inventory and 1 for placing pillars. Hope that helps you
2012-04-18 17:07
Same as the one above me.
I am really exited about the new Blocks you want to add and hope that they are not only new ores or crystals but a whole new block. (Maybe Stones which are much harder to destroy/indestructabel with dynamit)

answered by

no no, I was talking about real new blocks with new/different properties ;-)
I want to give some suggestions too:
1. THe game is really great i just have to say this first :D

2. Please make it possible to find the old robot when you die and start with a new one to get a bit of the inventory back? :)

3. Sometimes rocks stuck in midair when they fall and land on a block that you are just digging away

4. The 5x5 field instant radar is totally useless for me and i hate it when i collect a [?] block and this comes out. My radar is high level and it costs almost 40k$ to upgrade it. Please take it out or enlarge this with depht

5. The parachute is sometimes triggered when you just walk to the right very fast while falling down 2 blocks

6. When hold your finger to autoclimb you can still open the minimap and the robot will start climbing while being in the minimap( not sure whether this is a bug or not)

7. The Ores should get expensive way faster like Uranium+ 20$ more each ore because i can just collect 1 [?] and get 600$ why would i collect ores?

8. The speech bubble is REALLY annoying. I am mostly digging very fast and have that bubble all the time because he tells me "i can not dig that" everytime i hit a stone. Please make this just happen 1 time when you try to dig a stone the first time it is really annoying :( Often died because i didnt see what was above me :(

9. And this is my last point which really MUST be put into the game in my opinion:
The point of the game is to get the diamond on the bottom. When i collect it i DO NOT get any money for the big fat thing? why? :( dont i sell it? please put a big money or uprgrade reward on it!

Just so you know i am in level 17 i know it is not the farest but i think its far enough to give a good feedback:) Your game is addicting and i hope you will add many more things.
One last question: how often can you find free upgrades?

Cheers, your player :D

answered by

sorry, for missing that ;-)

1. thanks

2. I thought about that - unfortunately that would increase the memory consumption, but I'll consider it, cause i like the idea

3. this is fixed in the next update (also better performance than)

4. enlarging with depth is a very good idea!

5. maybe there should be a more sophisticated trigger for that, I'll queue that

6. that's fixed in the next version

7. but ? fields do not always trigger money - after all you end up getting the same money.

8. that is queued, because it does annoy me also during testing xD

9. hm, that's a good point. currently the diamond is just the goal to get to the next mine. Getting a free upgrade for it sounds not bad!

I will put up a little vid of the current progress on the new fields - hopefully I'll get some feedback about it .. much more exploding down the deep mines ;-)
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