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2012-05-25 13:24
Robo Miner Touch Controls
Sometimes I read the one or other comment about players are confused about the controls in Robo Miner, so here is a comprehensive guide about the controls in Robo Miner!


To move your robot simply touch left, right, above or under the robot. If there is a block the robot can dig he will do so. In case you got ladders, Robo will place them automatically when needed.

These are the main controls on your screen, when you are in a mine:

Energy: Shows you how much energy is left. Your robot will stop to move when there is no energy left.

Parachutes: Once upgraded at your UFO you can use parachutes when falling down. When your robot starts falling a big button will appear on the right of the screen - press it to release a parachute and glide safely to the ground of the chasm.
They get refilled everytime you leave the mine.

Pillars: Shows you how much pillers are left to use - these will be refilled automatically everytime you leave the mine.

Ladders: Shows you how much ladders are left to use - these will be refilled automtically everytime you leave the mine.

Current Depth: Shows you at which depth your robot is currently digging.

Map: Touch here to zoom out and look on an overview of your current location. You can move the map by panning with your fingers.

Inventory: If you find or purchase items like dynamite and the diamond scanner, tap here to open the inventory. Choose the item you desire and press the OK Button to use it.

Place Pillar: Tap here to place a support piller at your current location. That does only work, when you have pillars left and the location is suitable for it.

Extra Controls:

If you have built a long ladder you can use the Auto-Run Function. To use it, stand on a ladderway and tap AND HOLD in the disired direction (above or beneath the robot). Hold down for around 1 second and the robot will start to run the ladderway until its end.
While doing so a "INSTANT" Button will appear on the right side of the screen. If you tap it you will fast-forward to the end of the ladderway.
This can need some seconds - depends on your phone capabilities :-)

Game Menu: If you tap on your energy bar the game menu opens.

Reset Robot: Right beside the energy bar you will find a red button where you can reset your robot to the top in case you are jailed between stones or when your robot died.

Keybord Dock:

If you are lucky and have a keyboard doch you can play with that also! Use the arrow keys to navigate, press M for the map or Spacebar to place a pillar. There will be more keys in the future to control the game.

Hopefully this post will give you some overview of the controls of Robo Miner and how to steer him around in the mine.

Have Fun!
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