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Update v1.3.3 >>
2012-08-12 02:49
Update v1.3.4
Next update is rolling out!

With update v1.3.4 you will get the ability to pause the game and build - before this was not possible. Now you can just pause the gameplay and build/upgrade your towers without risking too much.

Also (!) every new game starts paused, so you need to start it - use the flashing buttons in bottom left corner of the screen.

There were also some more speed improvements and some graphical goodies built in.

Unfortunately Amazon needs a whole load of adjustments made because they do not allow links to markets - so scoreloop fails, facebook fails etc - this version was built for amazon also, but it will need a bit of time until it is approved there (if it gets approved .. it's always a pity..)

Please, let me know, if you miss features, they may be subject of a future update ;-)
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1 RESPONSES TO "Update v1.3.4":
2012-12-20 16:52
nice one!
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