Tower Defense Style Game specially designed for Big Screens
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2012-11-28 12:40
New Name for Tablet Tower Defense
Well, because some Bumble-Bunnies have maybe registered the word "Tower Defense" (which does look like, they want to make some money with sueing people) I would like to find a new name for this game "Tablet Tower Defense"

Because lots of people have actually played this game, maybe they'll have a good new name for it - or it's sequel

Would be very interested in hearing them, just post a comment about it maybe your proposed will be the next title of this game :-)

Thanks for helping!
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1 RESPONSES TO "New Name for Tablet Tower Defense":
2013-01-11 00:54
Just call it Defenc3
The first 'e' being one of the 3 towers with 3 prongs.

answered by reiti.net:

Nice idea .. but it's too less generic and I do not want to give anyone reason to sue me in any manner. But hey, generelly, I like your idea ;-)
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