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2012-07-26 16:35
The Trademark Idiotism
It is time for another political/critical post.

I recently found a new game made by com2us - they named it Tower Defense - well, that's ok.

But they also print a "registered" Sign on it - what the hell? They registered the word "Tower Defense"? Are they crazy?

How much idiotism can a single man handle if that is possible??? What's up with this world in the last years?

Apple is sueing people because they named their business "apfel" which is the german word for apple. Oh come on Apple, do you really need that? Do you really think, that your customers are not able to see the difference between an internet cafe and a phone store?

And now I have to see that fancy idea from com2us - registering the word "Tower Defense" - really? I haven't proofed what exactly you guys were registering, but I could imagine that somehow on this planet it is possible to do so.

If I would have some spare money I would definitly now sue you, because you do not have invented Tower Defense, nor where you the firt who made a Tower Defense Game. With that action, I do just laugh on you, right here, where everyone can read it - you deserve it!

It is just sad, that people do think in that direction. Thinking, with registering some words and making them a trademark.
What do they want to archieve with it? Holding developers away from developing better Tower Defense Games? Sorry guys, if anyone can do it better than you, than get over it or do even better - registering a word everyone knows before you and does only cover a game concept is just not right.

I will now go out and register the word "blog" - woohoo - I will get rich immediatly! What a great idea!

Turns me so sad, sorry, com2us, you failed for me.
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