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2012-07-26 16:52
About Kimble /
Recently in the world of internet turned into a buzz word somehow.

I am sure, you all read about him, the (co)founder of which was involved in some nasty FBI things - no need to write about it, you can investigate on your own.

Now, he made a video and tries to do some kind of war for internet freedom. Which is nice, but take the facts:

Kim was never a "nice boy" - he did many things in the past which are not "good" at all. He has stolen many things from many people and know he is complaining like a little kid because someone has stolen him something too.

He also complains, that FBI has frozen all of his money so he cannot pay a lawyer .. come on kim. You are getting a monthly payout from your frozen money of nearly 40.000 per month. You CAN pay your lawyers and you will clearly not die because of being not able to buy your caviar.

But that's a personal opinion about the hype - I do not like it and that has nothing to do with the scenery - it's completely different, but please do not hype, he is not a good person in any manner, he is just jumping and crying around like a little kid, whos lollipop was stolen by some school mates.

Hey kim, I don't think you will read that, but if you read it, let me clear up some things:
I DO respect what you are actually doing, and I am completely on your side when it comes to I also adore your efforts in bringing people around you, it's just I do not like people who are not honest and do present things in a half-true manner, so don't be angry with me, I am just talking about my opinion and I also hope you keep your path of "freeing the internet" after your FBI-thing also (not sure about it).

Ok, let's go over to "scandal" (which I do seperate from kim completely). Yes, that's truely a scandal and it shows us all, that this world is not free and that "law and order" is not always a good thing.

megaupload was "closed" because of several reason I cannot reproduce and it is sad, that such is possible at all.
Does it have any effect? No. There is enough money to immediatly start another .. name it so it doesn't matter to close on.

Maybe it is needed, that kim get's that much attention at the moment, maybe the world does need such a small revolution - but in the end it is not sure if it will have any impact at all. Personally, I don't think so. Sonner or later all this will find it's own way. What about Servers on the moon?

That could indeed be a very honest business in the future. Think about servers in satellites - noone will be able to go there and get the harddrives :-) Sure it is expensive, but think about it xD
Or building a server farm on the moon. Just to get rid of nervous lawyers.

Yea well, but that's all just my opinions about that subject. I would love to have a world, which is more free and easier to handle, without caring about thousands of things, which you are not allowed to do just because someone will sue you, without any real reason.

It makes just no sense to close megaupload - because it will not change anything, there will always be such services and noone will ever be able to close them all.

After megaupload was closed - guess what - other such services got all the customers, because there IS demand. So, lovely FBI, what exactly have you archived with that beside throwing away millions of dollars and reputation?

Maybe the "industry" should care more for their customers so all that hateful piracy would have been never get that big as it is today ..
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