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2012-09-21 00:11
Java Update Policy
Just a funny thing :-)

Normally I found the java updates just annoying, they always want to me to click them, they always annoy me with a very regular bubble on older XP systems .. so, for me, it just annoys me ..

Why not just give me the option to install silently .. windows is not complaining that often about new updates. So I want to make a check to always install the newest version and stop annoying me.

That's also the reason why I normally install the updates very late, because I am WORKING on my computers and therefore powering on my system means, that I have something to do.

Something ELSE than installing a java update or new java version (java 7 reminder was terribly annoying).

Today I was in good mood and decided to install that one java update .. I installed some more the other days on my other machines, so why not.

Has anyone recognized, that every(!) java update asks you about installing the ASK-Toolbar? Well - now I know, why they update that often and also why there is no easy silent update option .. oracle just want to give you another chance to install the much more annoying ASK Toolbar.

Normally people tend to just click "next" when being forced to install "just another" update .. with the "install ASK Toolbar" checked by default many people will get it installed by accident.

And it is much more annoying to uninstall the ASK Toolbar ..

So - argl - plz, just kill the ask toolbar :-)
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