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2012-10-12 02:43
XCOM Enemy Unknown - Full Review - Is it worth?
Finally X-Com was released - I was full of hope about that game, because I really enjoyed the original series of that game, even when I have to say I liked X-Com Apocalypse most.

Whatever - Steam released the game and because the download has 12 Gigabyte (!!) it was very kind, that they allowed to pre-load the game before the official release date (without allowing to play it :-)). So that was a nice turn. And after all I ended up just starting up the game right 1 Minute after release - top - that's why I like steam.

To the game: In my last review about the demo I mentioned many negative things but kept some hope that everything will be better in the final release. Short words: No - it isn't.

Giving a First Statement I cannot understand how this game did get that much good reviews on different magazines - really I cannot understand it.

Let's answer some questions:

Is there an Inventory in X-COM Enemy Unknown?

No - there is not - I am sure, that is because of making the game also for the Xbox and inventories like they were in X-Com are not handleable with a controller. You can equip one rifle, one pistol one suit (not suit parts only complete suit) and a nade (later 2 nades) .. so there are only 5 slots that's it .. it's crap

So I cannot pick up enemy drops?

Right, You cannot pick them up, they does not exist. Even worse, if you shoot an enemy, his stuff gets destroyed to pieces - funny .. but far far away from the original game

But I can sneak in their UFO!?

Ahm .. yes and no. Yes, you can enter their UFO after shooting it down with one (yes, only ONE!) fighter. But you cannot sneak in there, because you cannot sneak - you can only run .. no crouching etc - only running. So all you can do is run from cover to cover - far far away from original X-COM.

But I can produce my own weapons?

Yes - you can make an order for a weapon production - but there is no time, you get that weapon immediatly as soon as you have all needed resources. Not sure, if you can sell them, but I think not - there are some "quests" where you have to produce and deliver distinct parts .. remind me on stupid "let's make content by quests"

Can I have multiple bases around the globe?

No, you can't. There is only ONE base and that's it.

Can my base being raided by aliens?

Not sure about it - I was not raided until now .. But I don't think so (let me know if you were raided by them and were able to defend your base turn based.

Is the game really turn based?

Yes it is. But it does not work like we knew from original X-Com. There you git some sort of action points. Now you got 2 Action-Phases. Personally I liked the old approach much, much more .. action points are much better.

Ok, enough questions - which have covered many big negatives about the game.

They said, the devs had to play the original game to make a good sequel. I am not sure if they did or they had understand what makes X-Com a good game. This game is a bit more trivial arcarde without much depth or story (if you ask me). Maybe they should only get developers which played X-Com on their own and liked it instead of getting a bunch of xbox developers and show them how a game SHOULD be just to find out, that they are not able to make it right. That is very annoying and for what you get .. mmh .. no the game is NOT worth the money they want currently.

It does show, that all that huge pre-selling benefits are made for games which are just to bad to make the money in a usual way.

I would really LOVE to see X-Com made by the developers of Jagged Alliance - that game is much better and does fit the character of those games more perfectly, with more depth and more strategic freedom.

I mean common - X-Com Enemy Unknown (the new one) ist some sort of .. yeah, boring, like a 20 bucks game. You got so much annoying cut scenes, The controls are so uncomfortable for PC players and the whole game lacks strategic depth big time.

Let me give you an example: You can only carry 1 grenade (you can upgrade more nade slots later) .. you cannot say you want to carry 20 nades with you, no, only one. Same with rocket launcher, you cannot carry more rockets and you can use it only one time.

What logic is that????? Really?? "Hey I am a elite soldier from X-Com but I am not allowed to shoot you with a rocket" pfff.. just a game-studio more I hate because they ruined a almost perfect game.

If you are thinking about getting X-Com or better Jagged Allince (which is 20 bucks now) - get Jagged Alliance - really. It's by far the better game, maybe because it is not made for XBox.

Noone will ever made another (real) X-Com because it is now ruined. Please do NOT make "Terror from the Deep" by just adding another set of textures and levels .. I bet you will, but please don't do it.

Well, hopefully I have saved you from throwing money out of the window. Get the demo - and do not expect anything more than you see in the demo - because there is not much more.
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