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2012-11-03 17:56
Firefox less downloads because of windows 7 bug
Mozilla is complaining because there was a bug after the first service pack of windows 7. The bug was responsible for not showing the browser selection dialog on new installations.

Mozilla says, that this caused 6-9 millions less download.

InterestinglyI would be highly interested how Mozilla was able to measure that.

The only thing they can measure is the number of downloads per month - that's it. They cannot measure why this happens - otherwise they would have to spy out every computer during installation.

Fact is, Mozilla Firefox suffers from his own bugs and there are quite a lot of it.

Most of the windows users do not like the browser selection dialog - and the european law (which forces MS to show that dialog) is not accepted very well.

Someone have to ask, why EU is bothering with MS which browser they deliver with their OS while nobody is complaining, that apple does only deliver safari on OSx .. so what? Where is the problem?

On Windows it is possible all the time to install and use another browser, in case someone doesn't like the Internet Explorer.

That's just a dumb law .. It would be the same, if EU forces car manufacturers to give customers the choice of different pedals before they first drive their car - how ridicolous is that?

That's just another reason (beside the bugs) why I stop liking Mozilla FF more and more. More hangs and more bugs.

I can see very clearly what is happening, when looking on my website analytics of different websites:

What you can see is, that google chrome (not mobile) is the most used browser after the internet explorer - why does mozilla not mention the loss of users to google? Why is Windows the bad guy? Usage in percent of IE is falling and was never rising when looking on the big picture - FF is falling, indeed, but that is not the reason of MS or Windows having a bug, it is just because less people want to have Firefox.

If Windows Bug was the reason for that fall, why isn google chrome falling= Shouldn't they be affected by the same amount of impact? They don't

So, Mozilla, what shall I think about you, when you tell me, that you are not even able to read simple statistics .. ?
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