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2012-10-30 20:29
Steam doesnt work
As I said, I appreciate steam as a gamers plattform and also as a game shop with many nice features.

But for it's DRM features - I hate it and I blame it. That is because I am just sitting here and looking on the steam login window doing absolutely nothing.

Did you know the indian name of steam? It is: "White man stares on login window through glass".

That is the whole thing - let me explain: In the time I wait for steam to log me in and let me play a purchased(!) game I would possibly succeed in downloading a pirated copy, which will work ALL THE TIME.

And here is the big problem of the game and DRM industry: You are hurting the customer! The customer is getting less quality than the pirate - why is it? Because you rely on DRM which does hurt the customers.

I am pretty sure, you will tell me, that all of this world is evil and DRM is a must - let me tell you, I do not care about it as long, as I can play my purchased game. Got me?

Well, after 30 minutes, steam was finally able to log me hin - hurray, thank you, that I am allowed to play my own games - I appreciate it very much.

I wish I would be able to slap DRM people right in their face everytime I am not able to play my games.

To all my beloved customers: I will remove any DRM of my current games soon, because I would rather accept some pirated copies over customers which are not able to play their purchased games.

next day: after a game crash steams stops working again .. maybe I should send them a recipe for the time I have to wait ... that's easily one hour per month

next day: same again, waiting for steam to login .. in the meanwhile I have to watch my fingernails grow. They've growed 1 mm.

next day: decided to smoke zigarettes until steam finished logging in .. run out of zigarettes after a while - If I get cancer, I will sue them ..

nextday, checklist:

G27 plugged in: working immediatly
7.1 System power on: working immediatly
teamspeak: working immediatly
big high res TV in front of G27: working immediatly
steam: broken, trying to connect, great

next day, trying to get NOT connected by steam -> success

next day, started steam right in the morning - it was disconnected at later afternoon - wating again

next day: sending a mail to microsoft proposing the steam logo as the new busy-icon or loading bar. Also possible putting the word steam as synonym for "please wait"

next day: maybe they named their system "steam" because you have to wait until water boils before you see steam .. nope.. tried it, water boils faster than steam connects.

called chuck norris for help - he failed to get steam connected faster!!!

do you know the image of the corpse lying on his keyboard? actually it was a gamer waiting for steam to connect.

Piracy was invented by gamers who couldn't be bothered with waiting for steam to connect.

They said killer games makes people going rage .. no, it is waiting for steam to connect before being able to play killer games, what people makes going rage

People are getting fatter every day - they say it is because of junk food. Actually it is because of waiting for steam to connect, starring at the screen without moving.

Einstein had the idea for the A-Bomb while waiting for steam to connect.

Every Spam Mail is sent by nerds while waiting for steam to connect.

Everything is relative - relativ to the time steam needs to connect your account.
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