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2012-10-27 19:25
The Climatic Truth - Will E-Cars Save Our Climate?
Because, when it comes to climate change, everyone is talking about CO2, many people find it obvious that we should switch to E-Cars - cars powered by electricity instead of gas.

Well there are other reasons, why E-Cars are so popular and praised to be the future. But they aren't - and manufacturers do not that and because of that noone is currently really making a one-for-all E-Car.

The main reason is obviously, that electricity is just not magically available, but instead have to be produced somehow.
You may say, that it could be produced by wind and sun but you may not be very happy when you are not able to use your car just because there is no wind or it is night, right?

Another very important reason is, that electricity can hardly be stored, it's just too expensive to stare energy. That is the reason why power plants shut down themselfs when the energy is not consumed or just blow away excess energy - it's just a question of cost vs gain.

In cars that comes to a n important point. A car obviously need to carry it's energy somehow. In normal petrol cars, that energy is carried in form of gas/petrol - which has a nice density of energy.
A battery on the other hand has a low capacity and a low lifespan, is very expensive and needs different amounts of chemicals to work.

So, saying that the efficienty of an electrical engine is that much better than a petrol engine is just no correct, because you have to have all other factors involved in that calculation.

Production, Transportation and Storage of electricity is all not very efficient and in the end in many countries on this world the needed amount of electricity to drive the same distance like with a petrol car is more expensive than buying the needed petrol - it's just a fact. If you are living in america, that may be not true for you, because you may have cheap eletricity - but that's not true for europe for example.

There is another thing, nobody thinks about. There is one thing which is always the same, when a new technology arrives and gets praised by ecologists - the pure vast amount of usage.
For example: If 20 cars driving around with petrol - nobody cares, it does just not matter for the environment, but if billions of cars do it, yes, than there is definitely an impact somehow.

The same is true for electrical cars. Just make the assumption, that every pertrol car nowadays will run with a battery and an electrical engine. Then there will be 2 very main problems:

* The battery

The battery conists out of chemicals, they have to get produced and - more important - after the battery has reached its timelife have to be disposed somehow.
That is a problem even nowdays, so how should that work when a car uses 100 of batteries?

* The magnetism

For those of you who do not know how an electrical engine works: It works with a magnetic field to turn a shaft around (easy spoken). That means, that every engine is acutally a big electro magnet. While that is no problem when 20 of them drive around, that may be a big problem if a city is full of those.

There are so much problems with high magnetic fields which can influence power lines for examples, your computer, your handy, generell radio signals are influenced.

So there is no solution by just saying everyone should use e-cars. The obvioust reason ist just, that there is not enough electricity available.

Think about what will happen, when people drive their cars by using electricity, which has to be produced in a vast amount just to satisfy the need.
That would mean, that electricity will just raise in price. While it would be the same with petrol .. Noone needs petrol for general living.
But Electricity is needed for general living: To cook, to have warm water, light..

What would happen, if electricity gets much more expensive, just because everyone needs it for their cars?

When petrol get's too expensive, some people will have to stop using their cars to save some money. In case of electricty .. alternatives? It would be dramatic big time when someone is not longer able to power his home instead of just waive driving with the car.

That is a real reason, people should start to think about instead of screaming around because of CO2 and inventing new rules about what you allowed to and what you dont.

Mankind should think about what really would help. What about filtering the air? Noone cares because it would be to expensive but as long as there are no direct costs every is jumping around and screaming "Hurray" without recognizing the later impact.

It was the same in the past - people celebrate some new law but in the end, everything is going worse and noone is able to recognize how that could happen :-)
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