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2012-10-27 18:16
The Climatic Truth - Untold Influences
If it comes to discussions about the reasons, why the earth is heating up (which happens since thousands of years) normally people argue with CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

But there are several things, nobody ever talks about.

First thing is, that CO2 is not only bad - actually it is quite important for various mechanisms and circuits on this planet.
For example plants and their photosynthesis - they use the power of the sun to transform CO2 and H2O into carbohydrates - in the end another result of that is, that plants produce oxygen.
So if there is more CO2 in the air, that means, that plants will grow faster and better, being able to produce more oxygen. Which is quite neccessary because mankind was devastating forrests massively during medieval age, where wood was the only affordable building material.
It does not wonder, that after the discovery of america, wood was the most exported and needed good for europe.

So, CO2 does help our plants to grow better. While that is good near the surface, there are no plants up in the air, traveling through the atmosphere, you may observe.
Absolutely true, but also true is the fact that CO2 is heavier than oxygen (because of higher density of the molecules) so it will fall down to earth more likely than that would occur with oxygen.

Another fact, nobody does mention at all is the pure fact, that every human is producing heat. To be exact, every human is producing around 100 Watt of heat during one day. In the end, at the current earth population that would mean, that there is not less than 700 billion Watts per day - which is a 7 followed by 11 zeros.

Not to mention that every car, every power plant and millions of other things are producing heat as well - a simple light bulb does transform most of its energy into heat (80% or so) .. so is it hard to ask why the earth is heating up? Is it neccessary to search for reasons by looking at CO2?

Many people doesn't know at all that cars do not produce CO2 actually .. actually theyx produce only CO which gets transformed by the catalysator into CO2. he reason for that is, that CO is toxic, while CO2 is not. That's the reason why locking yourself in your car and routing the exhaust gases inside would kill you fast with a car without catalysator - while you would not die if you do the same with a car that has a catalysator .. exfept, when you run out of oxygen, but that's another reason :-)

So people decided to dictate catalysators which leads to more CO2 (whch is heavier than air, so sinking to surface) instead of CO (which is lighter than air, so flaying away) - it is up to you, to decide if that was a good decition at all.

You could also mention the influence of differing sun activity or production of methan by excessive stock breeding and millions of other reasons, which influences the temperature on earth but is just ridicolous to think, that any change in current CO2 production may change something.

Think about it, plants do not grow very fast, so if CO2 does help plants to grow faster, plants may reduce the CO2 in the future more than we could possibly produce it and because world population is rising fast, we should think about that every additional human will need additional air to breath, so it could be crucial to have more plants producing more air, which means, that we need more CO2 which can get transformed by plants.

The conclusion is simply, the everything(!) we know is in change, everything is a circuit and nothing - really NOTHING - is constant.
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