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2012-10-27 18:28
The Climatic Truth - Is the Current Climate ideal?
If you listen to climatic debates nowadways, everyone is complaining about global warming and the generell change of the climate.

When someone starts such a debate, you have to ask if the current climate (which is not constant) is best suited for an "constantisation". So is the current climate the best we can get and is it worth to try everything to hold it that way?

That's a good question! So, what happens, when it is getting warmer? That is a bit hard to think about, because every tiny bit of change can lead to very big changes in our environment on different locations so there is no simple answer.

Everything which currently lives on this planet is not the result of someone who invented it, but instead is just the result of evolution.
So if it get's colder somewhere, plants growing there which does need more temperatur will simple die. On the other hand, some plants which does like that temperatur will live even better.

So a change in climate does not mean, that everything will die, it dies just mean, that population of organisms will displace.

As we know today, the sahara (which is a desert in africa) is getting greener and greener - that is a very slow process, but it does happen.

Take Great Brittain for example - they solely rely on the gulf stream, without it, it would be much,much colder there. People will still be able to live there, because there are also living people much more in north without any big problems. Mankind is very flexible.

In generell most places on this earth are more likely too cold than too warm and so it is for plants - there is more place on earth were plants does not grow well than it is where plants do grow well.

So thinking in that direction a global warming is a good thing, because in the end, there is more living room for plants (and therefore animals) ans also the need for house heating will be less, which also means, that we will consume less energy.

So, someone should ask, IF we do debate about climatic change why should we try to keep the current climate, when it would be better for all if the climate is getting warmer.

The reason is that, that IF something will warm up the earth, will it stop or what will happen. If you are a scientist, you may already know, that this is the main reason why people are debating about the climate change, because it is just unknown, where that change will go - but in the end we will not be able to change anything at all.

Even if we would stop emitting CO2 completely, that would not stop any change in climate - no chance, it will change anyway and we cannot do anything against it.

It is actually not time to think about CO2 or our environment, it is more the time to start thinking at all, how mankind will conquer any climate change instead of trying the stop the change, which is not possible at all.
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