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2012-10-27 17:49
The Climatic Truth - Introduction
Another new series here on my website will be about one of the biggest hoaxes of the modern time.

It's all about the climatic change and for sure the hunt for CO2 which is made responsible for the climatic change.

While it is a fact that the earth is (currently) warming up, it is very unlikely that CO2 is the only or main reason for that - generally spoken.

In the past, the climate was very different. There were times when it was very warm (dinosaur time) and times where it was very cold (various ice ages).

In the current age, we are still warming up since the last ice age - so the global warming is not a phenomenon which is completely new or started in the past 100 years, but is something which does occur since thousands of years ago. That was the time when early humans were populating europe - there were ice everywhere.

Dinosaurs exctincted - people say this was an asteroid. That theory is very likely, because dinosaurs were reptiles, whcih means, they were cold-blooded and were not able to produce heat on their own. After an impact has darkened the sky reptiles where doomed because of the lack of the sun.

No wonder, that most reptiles have mostly survived near the equator, where it is warm enough for them.

Another interesting fact is for example, that mother earth would be a sphere covered in ice without the greenhouse effect, which is important enough to mention, because (as we know from various ice ages) earth is actually too far away from the sun.

We also know that there were different times with excessive CO2 in the athmosphere. Problem is, that information is gathered out of ice on the poles .. so how could there be ice, when it should be extremely hot because of excessive CO2 concentration? Right, CO2 cannot be the main reason for global warming.

Another fact is Planet Mars - the atmosphere of mars consists nearly completely out of CO2 - but mars is very cold, even on the sunny side, which would be impossible if CO2 were the main reason for global warming.

There are different gases in our atmosphere which also interacts with the climate. The obvioused one is simple water (clouds).

Water does different things - clouds will hold back the sun from reaching the ground instead they will reflect the sun beams. So a cloud will prevent the earth from heating up.
Having more CO2 and therefore more vaporization of water will lead to more clouds, which ultimately will lead to a tempersatur drop.

Well, all that is very complex, complex enough that not even the fastest computers on earth are able to simulate climate. Currently no computer and/or simulating model was able to reproduce the climate of the past. They all fail when it comes to sudden changes in climate. That means mankind is still not able to understand climate enough to make any predictions about future changes.

This series will be continued to hopefully reach some people and tell them something what the "Climatic Church" (Lobby) is just not telling you.
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