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2012-11-23 17:35
Android 4.2 suffers from bugs
The new Nexus devices which are delivered with Android Version 4.2 seem to suffer from various bugs - the latest android version feels a bit unstable.

Maybe that is a very bad time for google to deliver a beta version of its system - it is a beta version if such bugs are still out there, especially when those bugs happen on the google device.

Microsoft Windows 8 are investing quite a lot effort into marketing their new mobile system and they will be quite happy when android lose its reputation.

In the end, when android is unstable - for us devs that means that there will be a whole bunch of bad comments about our apps, because many users will just not know that the system is buggy instead they will think our app is buggy.

And that's a big problem. 2013 will be an exciting year. I think, that apple will lose foot on the mobile market, when Microsoft really starts out with Win8 (as long as they do no big mistake) and the fight will mostly go between Win8 and Android - because Apple users are Apple users - they do not decide in terms of quality but more in terms of fashion where neither Google nor Microsoft will be a true candidate to conquer Apple in there.

But let's see ;-)
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