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2013-01-12 15:04
Current State at Greenlight
Time to give an update about the Greenlight Try-Out.

After all, things were doing much better than expected, it get's more upvotes than I thought but is starting to drop now and loosing grip. Because there is many competition - and Robo Miner is not truely a complex title, it's just a casual game - I am quite sure, that it will not be in steam :-)

But that's not bad at all, it was a try out, Robo Miner will still be available for PC and I have different Game Projects which does fit much better into steam (but does not fit into mobile gaming), so it was no wasted money at all.

The iPhone version is currently "on ice" just because development for iphone in concerns of licenses and time is just too cost intensive at the moment. I will maybe grab that idea up later this year again, but for the moment, I will stop thinking about it. It would be far easier to bring it to windows devices, than to iphone.

But, back to the main track: Greenlight is for sure a good place for an indie developer to bring a complex game to live - casual games would need a lot more of marketing and polishing, which would not refelect in expected income, so that would suit better for bigger games, where the userbase is wider.

Looking at the comment it is a bit ridicolous, when people talk about rip offs. As far as I can tell, Robo Miner is currently named a "rip off" from ~20 games .. actually that means, that ~20 games are also rip offs - so I don't care, Robo Miner has an unqiue play-style, even when the idea of "digging" is not new.

As I told in other posts already, even google is a rip-off of yahoo, and many players just don't know the differences. Just because you "dig something" does not mean, that it is a rip off. But well - there are always such comments :-) Actually, even Minecraft was officially a rip off of Infiniminer ..

That whole Greenlight Thing will get much more interesting, when "Rocks in Space" comes to Alpha - it is a game with much more effort,complexity and polishing even when the idea of "Space Strategy" is not new and will be called a rip off - haha

I should also mention, that Robo Miner has got more "Favorites" than bad comments, so that is an indicator, that there is demand for it - and you my fellow fans, will get it.

Because Robo Miner on Greenlight will fail (pretty sure about it *g*) I will invest the time into upgrading my website a bit and offering the possibility to get it directly from the dev (like it is supposed to work in indie game development).

At the end, the user base and general attention will be less - for me that's fine, I didn't made Robo Miner to get rich, I did it because I like to do it and I am happy, when people have a good time playing it.

Another pro is, that I will be able to set the price tag very low (which steam wouldn't do I fear), so you my friends can get it very cheap - which is to my flavour as well ;-)

You will soon find another game of mine (especially designed for PC) in Greenlight - this time as a concept with the goal of getting user feedback.

By the way, there are also some concept sheets about a Robo Miner Sequel directly made for PC, which does mean it WILL have some very distinct features and more complex core gameplay - let's see, what time brings ;-)
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