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2013-01-11 16:54
Hands On Windows 8
Time to see what Windows 8 is doing - especially because the cheap update option which I recomment you to use for older Windows System (like XP).

I already had an Laptop running XP which is not longer needed so i decided to take that device and make the Win8 Update on it. This Device was already very slow and was hardly useable, so there was nnot much to lose.

The Update Process itself is quite straightforward - go to the website, download the UpdateInstaller, let it run.
I had to free up some disk space and remove a Folder called "ProgramData". For the whole Update Process there is almost nothing what you can do wrong.

After verifying and purchasing the update I had to wait for the download (2GB) which took some time but was done after 2 hours (yea, we had a slow connection). At this point I already got my new Key for Win8 per Mail and also noted it on some peace of paper (always remember murphies law).

After the download is finished, the Updater asks if you want to install now or later - I did immediatly.

Nothing more to tell here because it's just watching the Installation process which needed a bit.

When everything was finished, I was quite surpised about the overall performance, the system was very responsive (and it is older hardware) and feels pretty good.

Now you see the new Tile Screen, Lock Screen and such things and for a moment you don't have an idea what to do - really :-) So you click around and I tried to find the desktop, because I was used to it.

And there is the single point where everyone was complaining about the missing Start Button and that the Desktop is not the Point to start anymore.

But to be honest, you are getting used to it PRETTY fast and after some minutes you don't miss the start button. There is a Task switcher and I would say, that the "Tile View" (no idea how it is named now .. blame patent wars) - let's name it "Metro" - Metro actually is just replacing the Start Menu - that's what it is.

It was the same with Win7 where the Taskbar has changed and everyone was crying and shitstorming about it. If you ask me - if you are used to it, Win7 is better useable than Win XP, that's just the truth.

I am not REALLY sure if I would use Win8 as my Workstation, if it would be increasing my efficiency .. personally, I don't think so at the moment.
In the end Win8 is just not designed to be a workstation, let's see what the next Win Version 8Win Blue?) will bring, I am pretty sure they will trey to improve that.

They will know, that Win is heavily used as a workstation all over the world and that forcing users to use a less efficient Interface will not bring them any kudos.
On the other hand, Win8 does flatten the way for a range of new input mechanisms and input devices.
While I do not see a future for Touchscreens for Desktops, it may be the start to replace the mouse with a big touchpad - like graphicians do use it currently.

That will truely not be suited for playing games and it may have some drawbacks for different usages but in the end, when the market is there it is quite possible to have touch sensitive mouse pads for example. Such things could improve the efficency for Desktop Systems.

For Developers, Win8 goes the way to have a single base for Windows Based Applications. Not at the moment, but that's all a foregoing process which wil not happen from one day to another.

Some of you may remember that sidebar firstly seen in Win Vista, which was actually a good idea and basically it was the same what we know today as "apps".

So the sidebar died, it also was not that good useable in Win7 either, but with Metro that could be a very well integration.

Also very new is the look of Win 8.. it's quite different than Win 7. Personally I like the look of Win 7 more - it is just more techy and looks more polished, but would not work on smaller devices like Smartphones or tablets.

The new Look is not that detailed - to be honest sometimes I feel like a boy playing around with lego and my mouse cursor fells like a space glider when entering the enormous buttons on the top of the screen. Well it's actually not that bad, it looks still good .. but .. different.

What MS has accomplished there is that you can easily and without any doubt recognize and identify the Win Interface, which is a good thing.

But Question is - what will the future bring. I am pretty sure, MS will have a good stand in Smartphones and Tablets - especially now with Win8 because it is more open than appe (more versatile) and integrate and perform much better than android (sorry to say, but it's a fact)

So, I am pretty sure, that Windows will still be a big part of the future computer business.

It is even possible, that someone will write an android wrapper for win8 to make it compatible .. who knows :-) but maybe that's forbidden by MS .. who knows. I hope, that MS will stay much more open than appe is at the moment.
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