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2012-06-05 19:30
MoPub Tutorial - Get Started
I recently stumbled upon MoPub and because I tried it ut with one of my games recently and had my own starting issues with it, I decided to put up a little post about it, so everyone else can have a good start with it.

MoPub is an AdNetwork - it is somehow related to to admob, because admob-personal founded MoPub - or something like that. I am not really interested in such things as long as they deliver good service, I will recommend them and you can find this specific information somewhere else on the web if you are interested in it.

MoPub was introduced to me in being a good service when it comes to mediation; that means using multiple ad networks with one ad server.
This is quite good, because you can decide which network to prefer online on their site instead of changing inside of your code and release an update just to modify your ad preferation.

Recently admob themselfs added mediation functionality but I decided to completely try a new network and MoPub also have its own marketplace where you can ads from, so I gave it a try.

Signing up with MoPub is not really hard - it's as usual: enter name, mail and such things, you all know that game. Wait for activiation mail (thanks to greylisting this can take some minutes xD).

In the meanwhile you can download their sdk. Go there, and you will find their SDK as an github projekt. Because i was not able (or not interested in investigating how it works) to link the github project with my eclipse installation, I've downloaded the zip file from github and integrated it in eclipse myself.

If you are not used to do such things all the time it is sort of a pitty. The easiest way (at least for me) is, to download the zip file, extract it somewhere and copy the relevant parts to your project (just a jar file).

If you choose to use admob with MoPub you need to integrate the admob api as well. That was no big deal for me because it was already integrated and I just had to remove the relevant loading code from my activity.

Please be sure, that you setup all of these native SDKs as needed, because MoPub will NOT do that for you. So add the activities as the networks requires it. MoPub will only do the loading code for you.

When you first sign up with MoPub and add your first app, MoPub will add a demo camapaign for you. This campaign is the same as a house campaign you can do by yourself. The purpose of this campaign is to give you demo ads.
That's all you need at first until you have your app ready.

IF you are ready you can now enter networks. The oku for MoPub has truely screwed me, because they always tell you something about campaigns, which is pointless, if you just want to display ads from them, so stay away from campaigns.

Goto networks and choose which one to add - let's go for admob for this particular scenario. For admob you just need to enter your app id, that's all.

You should then have your app setted up with the admob network - be sure to check the "enabled" checkbox when adding the network.

You can now disable the demo network or give the admob network a higher eCPM value in the network settings - that will force MoPub to prefer admob.

And that's it, MoPub will now try all the networks you setted up in order of the highest eCPM.

You now can add more networks - you can set the priority by giving them an eCPM. You should check back this values to fit the real values later one, so you always get the best high paying ad whenever possible.

Adding Mopub Market Place Ads is pretty straight forward, so I don't think it is needed to talk about it, they have made it pretty easy to add.

If you have done this precedure for the first time it is more easy to do, it is just a little bit complicated, because in their docs they always talk about adding campaigs.

You WILL ad a campaing for back filling with house ads for example, but you do not need a campain to get ads from any network.

I currently watching MoPub working and look how it goes. For the first days it seems pretty good, I integrated nearly every network they offer right out of the box (except millenial because of their extra permissions).

Feel free to post your opinions as a comment.

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1 RESPONSES TO "MoPub Tutorial - Get Started":
2013-05-22 08:34
Great app, Robominer!! ;)
I would like to know if you integrated Charboost to Mopub sucessfully. I did the same about Millenial, it is a pity...
I did and I have a little requests but I have no impressions and not income at all...
I'm afraid I'm missing something...
do you remember some special condition or something?

Thank you!!!
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